Enrichment and Development of Cultural Life in Latvia-Lithuania Border Regions; acronym CultureManager


Programme: Latvia and Lithuania Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007 – 2013

Project title: Enrichment and Development of Cultural Life in Latvia-Lithuania Border Regions; acronym CultureManager

Lead partner: Latgale Planning region

Project partners: Latgale Region Development Agency, Daugavpils District Council, Rezekne District Council, Ludza Town Council, Preili County Council, Livani County Council, Dagda Town Council, Kraslava County Council, Balvi Town Council, Utena County Administration, Utena District Municipality, Rokiskis Culture Centre, Panevezys District Municipality, Rezekne City Council, Zarasai District Municipality’s Culture Centre, Visaginas District Municipality, Daugavpils City Council Department of Cultural Affairs.

The overall objective of the project: to contribute to sustainable and cohesive socio-economic development of the border region to make it competitive and attractive to people through strategic approach to using and developing culture heritage in Latvia and Lithuania border region: Latgale, Utena, Rokiskis, and Panevezys (Culture Region).

Specific objectives of the project:

  1. To promote sustainable long-term development and networking of Joint Culture Region through elaboration of Joint Culture Strategy, joint culture marketing plan activities and public exposure of joint cultural events deeply rooted in traditional culture and tradition values and modern values;
  2. To ensure capacity building of regional culture institutions, specialists, craftsmen through training and networking;
  3. To make related culture infrastructure accessible through improvement and supplies.

The target groups of the project: organizers of culture life in local communities, culture specialists, senior staff of culture institutions in the municipalities, leaders of community interest groups, masters of traditional crafts both in urban and rural areas; local / regional community; small / family companies making traditional local souvenirs (pottery, wood, textiles etc), local foods etc., traditional crafts and folklore masters, local history museums, overall regional business community, local, regional, national and international visitors, school teachers and students.

Project activities and results:
WP1 Management and coordination: 4 Steering Committee meetings; 18 Project Implementation unit meetings.
WP2 Culture Strategy, Marketing and Training: 1 joint regional culture strategy elaborated; 3 strategic workshops; marketing campaign is carried out; four 2-day trainings conducted.
WP3 Provision of Culture Region Events: Rezekne District Pottery with preliminary supplies and reconstruction of exhibition hall to promote traditional crafts, expose skills and traditions, involve young people and cross-border audience. Ludza Youth Music, Folklore with preliminary supplies and reconstruction to promote folklore, crafts, foods, involve families, groups, youth and cross-border audience. Balvi Theatre, Dagda Annas Day, Daugavpils City Art Assembly with preliminary supplies and reconstruction to promote culture and arts traditions, involve local, visitors and cross-border audience. Livani Folklore, Zarasai Folklore Gathering, Visaginas Rock with preliminary supplies to promote modern tendencies rooted in culture heritage, involve local and cross-border audience. Kraslava Pallette, Rokiskis Theatre and Town Day with preliminary supplies to promote culture traditions and involve arts and crafts, local, regional and cross-border audience. Daugavpils Distrcit Literature Readings in Berkenele with preliminary supplies and reconstruction to promote cooperation among Latvian, Latgalian and Lithuanian literates, to involve cross-border audience and Panevezys Festival. Rezekne City Theatre with preliminary supplies and reconstruction to promote regional wide traditional theatre culture, involve wide representation of cross-border audience and participants. Latgale Culture Festival Novadnieki with preliminary supplies to promote regional recognition of traditional culture by involving famous people originated from Latgale, involve wide cross-border audience with celebrities from Lithuania as well. Utena “Ezeru Sietuve” with preliminary supplies to promote traditional folklore and culture values of 7 days round in rural communities, participation of folklore groups from Latgale, EU, non EU countries to promote traditional culture heritage and involve wide cross-border audience.

Duration of the project: 18 months

Project status: on 30.06.2008. submitted for evaluation

Contact information: Juris Vilums, juris.vilums@latgale.lv; phone: +371 654 28111

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